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Fees that start with...


Name Fee Amount
Ante Mortem Inspection 10.00
Apostilles $40.50 per copy
Caribbean Community Skills Recognition Certificate 100.00
Certificate of Title Copies $2.00 Per Copy
Certificate of Title Forms 3.00
Chemical Analysis – Soil & Leaf Material 15.00
Church Building Registration 25.00
Citizenship by Investment Passport (Lost/Damaged) 5340.00
Citizenship by Investment Passport (New) 801.00
Citizenship by Investment Private Driver's License 801.00
Citizenship Fee 250.00
COVID-19 Antigen Test 100.00
COVID-19 Antigen Test (Arrival) 100.00
COVID-19 Antigen Test (Depature) 100.00
COVID-19 PCR Test (Arrival) 100.00
COVID-19 PCR Test (Departure) 100.00
Deed Papers Depending
Deposit to Secure Duties Variable
Duty Free Operator's License Variable
Duty Free Operator's Permit Variable
Duty Free Shop Licence Variable
Eco-Tourism private tour 13.51
Eco-Tourism Week Pass 32.43
Extension of Stay Variable
Fisher Registration Annual Card Fee 15.00
Fishermen Basic Training 150.00
Import Duty Other Variable
Import Duty Other Variable
Judicial Stamp Fees - Other 2.5 % of value of land
Judicial Stamp Fees -Land Sales 2.5 % of value of land
Live Animal Import Permits 10.00
Locker Room Fees 10.00
Manifest Stamp Duty Variable
Meat Import Permits 10.00
Motor Vehicle Accident Reports 250.00
Passport (Lost/Damaged) 500.00
Passport (New) Depending
Photocopies (Life Event Certificates, Burial Permits, Permissive Warrants, Baptismal Certificates) 1.00
Phyto-sanitary Certificate 5.00
Processing Fees for Statutory Declarations 5.00
Produce Dealers Depending
Research Permit 10000.00
Residence Permit Depending
Security Charge Variable
Small Ships Registry Fee Depending
Testing Animal Feed 15.00
Testing Essential Oils 15.00
Title to Land Assurance Fund 1% of value of land
Unclaimed Goods Variable
Vendors Stamp Duty on Sale of Land 4 % of value of land
Vessel Registration and Certification 25.00
Warehouse Rent Variable
WIN: Individual Visa Fee 2162.04
WIN:Application Fees 271.69
WIN:Companies $2716.90 XCD per Individual
WIN:Family Visa Fee 3243.06
Work Permit Depending

Ministry of Blue and Green Economy, Agriculture and National Food Security


Name Fee Amount
Ante Mortem Inspection 10.00
Chemical Analysis – Soil & Leaf Material 15.00
Fisher Registration Annual Card Fee 15.00
Fishermen Basic Training 150.00
Live Animal Import Permits 10.00
Locker Room Fees 10.00
Meat Import Permits 10.00
Phyto-sanitary Certificate 5.00
Produce Dealers Depending
Research Permit 10000.00
Testing Animal Feed 15.00
Testing Essential Oils 15.00
Vessel Registration and Certification 25.00

Ministry of Environment, Rural Modernization and Kalinago Upliftment


Name Fee Amount
Eco-Tourism private tour 13.51
Eco-Tourism Week Pass 32.43

Ministry of Finance


Name Fee Amount
Citizenship by Investment Private Driver's License 801.00
Deposit to Secure Duties Variable
Duty Free Operator's License Variable
Duty Free Operator's Permit Variable
Duty Free Shop Licence Variable
Import Duty Other Variable
Import Duty Other Variable
Manifest Stamp Duty Variable
Security Charge Variable
Small Ships Registry Fee Depending
Unclaimed Goods Variable
Warehouse Rent Variable

Ministry of Health, Wellness and New Health Investment


Name Fee Amount
COVID-19 Antigen Test 100.00
COVID-19 Antigen Test (Arrival) 100.00
COVID-19 Antigen Test (Depature) 100.00
COVID-19 PCR Test (Arrival) 100.00
COVID-19 PCR Test (Departure) 100.00

Ministry of National Security and Home Affairs


Name Fee Amount
Apostilles $40.50 per copy
Caribbean Community Skills Recognition Certificate 100.00
Certificate of Title Copies $2.00 Per Copy
Certificate of Title Forms 3.00
Church Building Registration 25.00
Citizenship by Investment Passport (Lost/Damaged) 5340.00
Citizenship by Investment Passport (New) 801.00
Citizenship Fee 250.00
Deed Papers Depending
Extension of Stay Variable
Judicial Stamp Fees - Other 2.5 % of value of land
Judicial Stamp Fees -Land Sales 2.5 % of value of land
Motor Vehicle Accident Reports 250.00
Passport (Lost/Damaged) 500.00
Passport (New) Depending
Photocopies (Life Event Certificates, Burial Permits, Permissive Warrants, Baptismal Certificates) 1.00
Processing Fees for Statutory Declarations 5.00
Residence Permit Depending
Title to Land Assurance Fund 1% of value of land
Vendors Stamp Duty on Sale of Land 4 % of value of land
Work Permit Depending

Ministry of Tourism, International Transport and Maritime Initiatives


Name Fee Amount
WIN: Individual Visa Fee 2162.04
WIN:Application Fees 271.69
WIN:Companies $2716.90 XCD per Individual
WIN:Family Visa Fee 3243.06


Top 15 services

Name Fee Amount
Passport (New) Depending
COVID-19 Antigen Test 100.00
COVID-19 PCR Test (Arrival) 100.00
COVID-19 PCR Test (Departure) 100.00
Birth Certificate $20.00 per Copy
COVID-19 PCR Test (Five Day) 100.00
Alien Fees on Land Transfer 10% of value of land
Citizenship by Investment Passport (New) 801.00
Apostilles $40.50 per copy
Marriage Certificate $20.00 per Copy
COVID-19 Antigen Test (Depature) 100.00
Electrical:Domestic Installations Points(Per Point) $1.00 Per Point
Electrical:Domestic Installations(Fixed) 10.00
Work Permit Depending
Death Certificate $20.00 per Copy